In the midst of Covid-19, 4Geeks has found its way to grow. We have always mentioned that everything that we have done has been bootstrapping our efforts, talent, investment, and capabilities.

The last 12 months have been the same. Putting blocks together and taking advantage of every single opportunity we have found. At the beginning of the pandemic, when we were facing a crucial change of business model (we were 100% in person), I remember the conversations and the thought behind every action: are we going to be able to surf around? We did it, and now we are bigger than ever.

We are in charge of two great projects sponsored by the Interamerican Development Bank (one with Costa Rica and the other one in Uruguay), we launched a new project with Miami Dade College and JobCorps in the US, we switched everything to 100% remote classes, we launched a new Location in Europe and we have enrolled more than 600 students in the last 8 months.

students pie chart

We have discovered that more and more we are bringing more talent with no background or experience in coding. This means that more people are thinking about Coding as an option for (i) working remotely; (ii) grown industry; and, (iii) not as affected by Covid as any other industries. All of these together with the well-known reasons of: (i) remote job opportunities or total amount of opportunities found (ii) salaries; and, (iii) entrepreneurship.

background experience chart

We have secured a total of 2millions (USD) in new programs sponsored by third parties and multilateral organizations. That’s allowing over 400 students to join our programs all around the US and Latin America mainly. However, in terms of ages, we keep having the majority of our students in the range of 21 to 39 years old, even when scholarships are open to everyone.

students age group chart

4Geeks was named one of the top 50 Coding Bootcamps around the world We now have the challenge of growth. Everything stated here happened in the last 10 months and thinking forward we need to execute but also we need to focus on what’s next.

We have decided to bring two new products: Software engineering, and AI/Data Science programs, and one new location: Orlando, Florida.

We won’t stop until we make sure that every effort was worth it and every student trusting in us is having a better career.