Learn Python, SQL, Looker (Google Data Studio), Streamlit, and Statistics and become a professional Data Analyst, ready to contribute to any data-driven team at any company. Create predictive models using Python, Pandas, Numpy, and other powerful libraries. Explore algorithms like Close Neighbors, Decision Trees, and more. Work with supervised and unsupervised learning models. Practice solving real-life cases, and learn to tackle the type of challenges you’ll encounter in your career. Master the use of industry-standard tools. Strategize and develop your own A.I. projects, following the complete lifecycle from development to deployment and maintenance, ensuring privacy and security.
Start with Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and the maintenance of a production environment in A.I.
Starting from a Prework (2 weeks before), get introduced into the world of coding and learn Python and Algorithms' basics; This module will help you prepare to code and develop the different A.I. and Machine Learning model training and evaluations for the next step.
Collect, store and mesassure with Numpy, Pandas, Mstplotlib, etc.
2 wks
2 wks
2 wks
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1 wks
2 wks
Dive into the world of machine learning with 4Geeks Academy's specialized program. Gain the skills to build predictive models for practical applications like fraud detection and natural language processing, using industry-leading tools such as Python, TensorFlow, and Scikit-learn.
Dive into the world of machine learning with 4Geeks Academy's specialized program. Gain the skills to build predictive models for practical applications like fraud detection and natural language processing, using industry-leading tools such as Python, TensorFlow, and Scikit-learn.
Our data science bootcamp is focused on providing all the tools and support necessary for you to succeed in this field.
Get expert support for all your questions. Our mentors are always available online, ready to assist you from day one and beyond.
Experience personalized attention with our above-average student-teacher ratio.
Receive unlimited advice, guidance, and training tailored to your unique profile and specific job offers.
Hear our campus manager explain the fundamentals of data science and its applications! Discover the core concepts of 4Geeks Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp, including data analysis, predictive model building, and the use of tools such as Python, SQL, Looker, and Streamlit.
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Explore some of the impactful projects we've been working on over the last few years!
Our network of partners is constantly growing. With the dedicated effort of GeekFORCE, our career support service, we proudly boast an employment rate of ~84% within 100 days of graduation. We keep hearing how our graduate’s skills amaze the companies that hired them. "I'm continually impressed by the depth of knowledge possessed by 4Geeks students. In fact, one of my hires from the program ended up becoming a team leader." - CodeNinjas.
Whether you decide to enroll in our online or in-person program, you'll enjoy real-time, live interactions with our teachers, mentors, and fellow classmates. Engage in dynamic lectures, hands-on projects, and interactive exercises alongside your cohort, and gain all the knowledge you need to become a highly skilled professional.
Our programs are
Online, Hybrid or